Saturday, February 22, 2020

Confusing Times

Image result for coronavirus map

I'm so confused... what???

Okay. I'm posting this now because I'm confused. What the hell is a "coronavirus"?? I overheard the big black thing (human term: T.V.) and Steve talking about it. Apparently he says people have died from it? I have no clue. If anything, I hope the others get it. I was researching online and found this. I have no idea what it is, but it's some sort of map thing. We live in our priso- er.... I mean home, and I believe we are safe from this thing. I have no idea why people are so scared of it. It's just so petty and stupid to be afraid of something so small. Humans are just too over-dramatic about little things, like Steve.

Speaking of Steve, he's been acting strangely. I think he took some of my catnip, because he's having weird mixed emotions. He goes from being completely fine and happy to very sad to the point he'll ignore GG and Shelby (there's a first for everything.) and we have no idea why. For the first time I'm worried for him. I don't want him to leave us, because I need my daily wet food ever since I was fired from my job. He was released from prison a few weeks ago, luckily. Damn Gibbyson was being a pest. I can see so much of Gibson in him it's insane. Same damn fears, except he's more willing to try. The white stuff called "snow" has been getting better. It's cold, though. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to freeze. I really do hope not. 3 lives left isn't good.

Anyway, I have nothing else to say except life's been neutral. I still hate my siblings, don't get me wrong.

I think I'll go beat up Random just for the sake of it.