Friday, January 10, 2020

GG's new addiction

GG has been more active than normal. She keeps smacking me whenever she sees me! I think it's because I said she's a screw...

Anyways, other than GG being a total bitch, my week has been good. I've smacked the other idiots a few times, so all things are good, Steve's given me wet food today even though he thinks I should be grounded (which I shouldn't), and I attempted to make my escape through a Wind O, but it was a complete fail.

Instead of escaping, I hurt my paw. Big deal, other than the fact that Steve has been more nice than usual. I feel threatened as he keeps locking the door. Today he forgot to lock the door, and I managed to get through. Bitch (human term: the dog) still continues to run into wall, and honestly it's pretty funny to watch the big "loyal companion" be such a dumbass.  Steve's been worried, though, as he says that the dog needs to be "put down" soon. Hopefully that means she'll be gone from my presence forever...

I've been more tired than I normally am. Probably because I've been beating the shit out of GG, but Steve continues to say that I'm "getting too old". The hell does that mean? I'm perfectly normal for my age! Steve just wants to be a massive dick about everything. I just wish he would stop.

My other human (human term: Babe) is hardly around anymore. She's at this human place called "work". I heard it's a place where they force humans into labor and don't allow them to eat. I've love to see Steve there, but he continues to stay home because of this dis-ease called "bye-poler dis order". I heard it makes you depressed.

Anyway, I'm being called by my Human Slave. The door will be closed for a few days. The brown cubes are being piled up on the side, so I think we're moving? I'm not sure. Oh, no.. I've got to get off now!